Maintenance of Solar Rooftop Panels

cleaning pv modules
In a solar rooftop system, solar panels are installed on the roof of the premises to generate solar electricity. It could be the roof of a house, industrial premises, commercial or institutional building.
One of the major concerns about roftop solar installation is its maintenance. Given that solar installation is a long term investment, question of recurring roof solar maintenance is a valid one.

How to clean solar PV modules

rooftop solar company

To get the most out of your solar investment, it is recommended to periodically clean the Solar PV modules so that they are free of any dust particles or debris. This is only activity required as part of maintenance of your Solar power system. And it is as easy as wiping your glass windows to make it clean.
You may use a soft cloth, brush, wiper or a sponge squeegee on a long pole.

Why rooftop solar panel maintenance is important?

Dust and pollution are the major reasons for sub-optimal performance of the Solar PV system in India. Even perfectly designed and expensive system perform at what is just a fraction of its potential when covered with thick layer of dust.

What is the role of solar rooftop installers?

•    At the time of solar rooftop set-up , installers must give lot of importance to have proper provision or access for cleaning and maintenance, thus assuring its long term operability. For instance, while installing solar panels for a bungalow in Pune, Insolergy team had to install elevated mounting structure due to complicated roof structure. The design team made sure to provide easy access to the panels for cleaning and maintenance.

View full case study of Insolergy's home solar rooftop installation in Pune.

•    Rooftop solar companies like Insolergy use galvanized iron mounting structures to prevent any rusting or corrosion. Additionally, all Insolergy solar PV systems are equipped with safety features such as surge protection device so that chance of equipment damage or system breakdown is next to zero.

Insolergy Technologies is a solar energy company in India, offering a complete range of solar solutions with reliable, state of the art technology, and expert industrial experiences.
The company also provides Operations and Maintenance services ensuring maximum return for solar investors by keeping the equipment and plant in optimum condition.


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